In addition to our advice on mandates, it is important to us to keep you up to date on current topics here on our website. To this end, our experts at ACCONSIS write articles that summarize the most important aspects of a topic in an understandable way and from a consultant’s perspective. Are you only interested in articles from a specific consulting area? Please select the area that is relevant to you here so that we can show you the right articles!

Legal advice

Quarantine, who pays the salary?

The second wave is just rolling in – there is currently no improvement in sight. In this context the questions arise, whether the employer must continue to pay the remuneration during a quarantinewhether he/she may be entitled to a refund orwhether he also has to pay if the employee returns…

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Will Turkey become the new Switzerland?

To the topic data exchange (with Turkey) the Bavarian broadcast reports on the topic “tax evasion: Turkey also reports soon account data” on B5 aktuell, as well as the BR24 App. The contribution is based on an interview on the current situation with Dr. Christopher Arendt, specialist lawyer for tax…

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Tax consulting

Corona crisis – Working from home: Home office & Co – what rules apply?

In order to contain the corona pandemic and reduce social contacts – also in the work environment – the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales/ German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) has issued the Corona-Arbeitsschutzverordnung/ Corona Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance (Corona-ArbSchV). This also contains regulations on home…

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What are the changes in 2021?

The new year brings with it a number of changes in payroll tax and social security law. We have summarized the most relevant changes in 2021 for you here. Here are the most important facts and key data: Increase in the general minimum wageElimination of solidarity surchargeElectromobility: increase in monthly…

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