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Legal advice

Änderung Arbeitsrecht durch Corona

Changes in labour law by Corona

Corona has us and our everyday life firmly under control! Labour law is also affected by this. Below is a summary of some of the drastic changes and adjustments due to Corona. Promotion of short-time working The conditions for receiving short-time working compensation were – temporarily – reduced. It is…

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Ausbreitung Coronavirus ACCONSIS Vorkehrungsmaßnahmen

Spread of coronavirus – ACCONSIS Home Office

Due to the classification of the coronavirus (COVID-19) as a pandemic, we would like to inform you which precautions ACCONSIS is taking to protect our customers, partners and employees from the unnecessary risk of infection. For the ACCONSIS too, health always comes first. Thanks to the fact that we are…

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Tax consulting

Extraordinary Corona Economic Aid November

The extraordinary Corona Economic Assistance for the month of November 2020 offers further important support for companies, businesses, self-employed persons, associations and institutions that are particularly affected by the current Corona restrictions. The details and conditions of the Corona Economic Aid November are now fixed. The application for Corona Economic…

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For all, which must close starting from 2.11., the again announced Corona economic aids are extremely interesting!

Companies affected by the temporary closure, such as the catering industry, are to receive 75% of November 2019 revenues. It is expected that applications will again be submitted via the bridging assistance platform. However, this platform must first be programmed for this purpose. Bridging assistance and short-time working allowance (KuG)…

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Will Turkey become the new Switzerland?

To the topic data exchange (with Turkey) the Bavarian broadcast reports on the topic “tax evasion: Turkey also reports soon account data” on B5 aktuell, as well as the BR24 App. The contribution is based on an interview on the current situation with Dr. Christopher Arendt, specialist lawyer for tax…

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Corona bonus for employees – what are the conditions?

Due to the current corona crisis, employers can pay their employees aid or support in the form of a corona premium for employees up to a total amount of EUR 1,500 until 31.12.2020, either tax-free and non-contributory in the social security system or as a tax-free payment in kind. What…

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