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Legal advice

Blau leuchtendes 'ICO' mit der Bedeutung 'Initial Coin Offering', symbolisiert die digitale Kapitalbeschaffung in der Blockchain-Welt und verweist auf steuerliche und regulatorische Aspekte.

Taxation of ICOs

As an innovative way to raise capital in the blockchain space, ICOs offer numerous opportunities but also raise tax and regulatory issues. This post gives you an overview of the tax aspects of ICOs from a private and business perspective and shows how to avoid tax pitfalls. What is an…

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Miniaturfiguren einer Familie in einer schützenden Hand - symbolisch stehend für Schutz des Familienvermögens über eine Familiengesellschaft oder Familienstiftung

Family company vs. family foundation

When it comes to long-term planning for the transfer and protection of family wealth, many families face an important decision: should a family-managed company or a family foundation be set up? Both legal forms offer advantages in terms of asset succession, protection and management, but they also have significant differences….

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Tax consulting

The home office in income tax

For many employees and self-employed people, the home office has become an important part of their work in the age of the home office. But when and how can you claim costs for such a home office against income tax? And when might the home office be considered business assets?…

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Blau leuchtendes 'ICO' mit der Bedeutung 'Initial Coin Offering', symbolisiert die digitale Kapitalbeschaffung in der Blockchain-Welt und verweist auf steuerliche und regulatorische Aspekte.

Taxation of ICOs

As an innovative way to raise capital in the blockchain space, ICOs offer numerous opportunities but also raise tax and regulatory issues. This post gives you an overview of the tax aspects of ICOs from a private and business perspective and shows how to avoid tax pitfalls. What is an…

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Miniaturfiguren einer Familie in einer schützenden Hand - symbolisch stehend für Schutz des Familienvermögens über eine Familiengesellschaft oder Familienstiftung

Family company vs. family foundation

When it comes to long-term planning for the transfer and protection of family wealth, many families face an important decision: should a family-managed company or a family foundation be set up? Both legal forms offer advantages in terms of asset succession, protection and management, but they also have significant differences….

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Stricter documentation requirements for transfer prices

Transfer prices, also known as transfer pricing, are an essential element of international tax planning and compliance for companies that conduct cross-border business. Transfer pricing refers to the prices charged between affiliated companies – for example, a German company headquarters and its foreign subsidiaries or branches – for goods, services,…

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New disclosure requirements for climate targets

The European Union has introduced standards for corporate sustainability reporting, including the European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) E1. This standard relates to climate protection, climate adaptation and energy. They oblige companies to report comprehensively. It covers both positive and negative, actual and potential impacts. Furthermore, the company should describe its…

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