Medium-sized German companies stand out in a global comparison due to their excellent product competence, proximity to customers and powerful corporate culture. We support our medium-sized clients with tax and legal advice, consolidate their position as auditors vis-à-vis authorities and investors and strengthen their management skills, for example in corporate finance.

Prevention for growth and times of crisis

Modern medium-sized businesses are highly efficient and very well versed in their core competencies. They perform services at a speed that is often unbelievable for large companies, and this in accordance with the individually divergent wishes of a wide range of customers. Medium-sized companies do not rest on these strengths. Especially the progressive ones among them install structures and processes that are equal to those of large companies. We support them in this endeavour with our consulting services for medium-sized companies. In corporate finance in particular, the times when large and medium-sized companies were measured by different standards are obviously coming to an end: Unconditional transparency, measurement of target achievement and timely reporting systems are now expected at least from industrial SMEs – especially from banks and capital providers: Those who want to finance growth or have to master a crisis have enormous advantages if they are convincingly positioned in such structures and instruments. We solve this with our clients.

Expansion. product concept and geography

Many medium-sized companies achieve the continuous increase in sales through further developments on the product and service level. As long as customers are willing to reward advantages in products and service, focusing on these strengths is plausible. However, if price acceptance is declining and price competition becomes intense, economies of scale must be improved in order to improve the cost situation by increasing volumes. In the technical area, common part concepts can be one possibility. Always bear in mind the more intensive exploitation of the market that the company is addressing and equally the expansion of the sales horizon. In all cases we can provide support. When starting or expanding exports, we support our clients with partners directly in the foreign market.

Strong growth – inspiring, but a challenge

Because they so often have an extraordinary competence, medium-sized companies grow with sometimes astonishing speed. They are thus repeatedly confronted with the problem that their structures and processes no longer do justice to the new interaction density and the increased throughput volumes. One of our consulting services is therefore to develop strategic corporate planning together with the management of the company. This involves determining the consequences of growth dynamics, designing solutions and ensuring the supply of the necessary liquidity at an early stage. Especially companies that are highly agile must be able to rely on particularly reliable strategic planning: also so that they are not surprised by high capital requirements at the worst possible time.

Your ACCONSIS contact person

Stefan Herzer

Dipl.-oec. univ. Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, MBA
Stefan Herzer

Vorstand der ACCONSIS Holding AG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft und
Gesellschafter-Geschäftsführer der ACCONSIS GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft,
der ACCONSIS GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft und Gesellschafter der ACCONSIS GmbH Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft

+ 49 89 54 71 43
or per E-Mail

Overview of services for medium-sized businesses

Controlling & Cost accounting

  • To turn a concept into a success story, the relevant factors must be identified and monitored.
  • Introduction of cost accounting
  • Calculation and contribution margin accounting
  • Corporate planning (budgeted balance sheets with financial and income statements)
  • Budgeting
  • Company comparisons

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

  • A wide range of factors and issues are relevant to mergers, sales or the transition to the next generation. We support you in this:
  • Company succession
  • Acquisition or sale of a company (share deal vs. asset deal; management buy-out vs. management buy-in)
  • Company valuation (Financial & Tax Due Diligence)

Investment & Financing

  • Entrepreneurs are confronted with a variety of decisions every day. You can rely on our support in these important tasks:
  • Evaluation of return on investment
  • Financing of start-ups and acquisition of shares
  • Leasing vs. purchase
  • Accounts receivable management vs. factoring
  • Rating consulting and optimization (e.g. Basel III)
  • Subsidies

Special topics

  • We also meet your requirements in special situations:
  • Conversion from cameralistics to double-entry (NKF)
  • Restructuring
  • Accompaniment of corporate restructurings
  • Business start-up
  • Change of legal form

My experience with ACCONSIS

Dominik Aumer
Entourage GmbH

“Since we at Entourage GmbH. rely heavily on digitalized processes and set ourselves very high standards when it comes to the company’s business intelligence, we also see a challenge for our partners. ACCONSIS is a good partner here.”
