The hospitality industry has recently become more and more of a focus for tax authorities, with more and more regulatory requirements requiring businesses to react and adapt considerably – particularly with regard to the organization of cash management. In the hospitality industry in particular, it is therefore important to comply with the requirements and to tackle the necessary changes – ideally with professional support.

We provide our clients in the hospitality industry with comprehensive support when it comes to cash management and bookkeeping. We focus on four important topics to ensure that audits and cash register inspections run as smoothly as possible.

  • Procedural documentation: We advise on the topic, but also support you in creating the required documentation, including suitable software solutions.
  • Cash register management: We analyze your current situation, identify the weak points and give clear recommendations for proper cash register management.
  • Cash register instructions: We support you in taking stock of the current process and work together to develop your individual cash register instructions.
  • Cash register inspection: We prepare clients for an unannounced cash register inspection and give recommendations on how to behave towards the auditors and the documents that need to be prepared.

We also support restaurateurs and hoteliers when an audit is taking place or has already taken place and the aim is to accompany the audit and achieve the best possible result from the client’s perspective. That is why, in addition to strategic advice, we support our clients as follows:

  • Preparation for an audit: Reviewing and checking accounting and tax documents for completeness and accuracy, identifying risks and weak points, preparing the necessary documents and evidence,
  • Communication with the tax authorities: Taking over all communication with the tax office and auditors, coordinating dates and the audit process, etc.,
  • Support during the audit:a. with participation in the on-site audit and representation of the client to the auditors, clarification of queries and statements on the auditors’ findings,
  • Checking the tax office’s findings: including detailed review and evaluation of the auditor’s findings and drafting statements on the findings to the tax office,
  • Legal remedies and appeals: filing objections against unjustified or incorrect findings and representation in possible legal proceedings before the tax court and
  • Follow-up to the audit: support in implementing changes or corrections resulting from the audit and advice on better tax planning in the future.

Our clients can rely on the professional expertise and extensive experience of our consultants, especially on this topic. Our consultants have been active in this field for many years and are familiar with the latest developments in legislation, case law and the practice of the tax administration.

It is not for nothing that there has been a lively cooperation between Acconsis and DEHOGA Bayern for years, which has resulted in a cash register guide in cooperation with the State Association of Tax Advisory and Auditing Professions in Bavaria (LSWB) and the Bavarian State Chancellery, among others, which the tax administration has adopted.

Isabella Hren from “Bayerische Tourist GmbH” on the cooperation:

“Our cooperation covers several levels: ACCONSIS is a premium partner of DEHOGA Bayern. The association’s partner program is managed by BTG. In addition, we are customers of ACCONSIS with all GmbHs and the AG.”

Click here for the interview with Isabella Hren: „Groß genug für die erforderliche Kompetenz, klein genug für die persönliche Ansprache!“


My recommendation

In the hospitality industry, compared to other sectors, the legal requirements are particularly complex and must be strictly observed and as precisely as possible, especially with regard to compliance with the principles of proper accounting and cash management. This means that company audits are also very complex and the focus is usually on the topic of “correct cash management and bookkeeping”. In this area in particular, restaurateurs and hoteliers should work absolutely correctly in order to avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Your ACCONSIS contact

Dr. Christopher Arendt
Lawyer, specialised lawyer for tax law
Managing Director of ACCONSIS

Service phone
+49 89 547143
or via email

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