We develop with our clients. We have been gaining experience in the market for 60 years. Our clients are supported in both business and private sector matters.

The nature and focus of our expertise is decisively shaped by our clients. Client relationships have often grown over years or even decades and we continue to develop with our clients.

You can find an overview of our main areas of focus in terms of industries and clients here:

Medium-sized companies

Medium-sized German companies stand out in a global comparison due to their excellent product competence, proximity to customers and powerful corporate culture. We support our medium-sized clients with tax and legal advice, consolidate their position as auditors vis-à-vis authorities and investors and strengthen their management skills, for example in corporate finance.

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Hotel industry / gastronomy

The tax demands on businesses are constantly growing and the hotel and catering industry has become a focus of attention for the tax authorities in recent years. Obligation to retrofit electronic cash registers, preparation of procedural documentation, unannounced cash register inspection, accounting obligations and currently increased tax audits – to name just a few topics of the industry.

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Foundations have a long tradition as starting points for positive and constructive social participation. Their history dates back to antiquity.

The operators of a foundation have the task of investing the assets as securely and profitably as possible. The interest income generated by the investment as well as other financial resources (e.g. from endowments and donations) are used to directly fulfil the purpose of the foundation. However, the share capital raised by the founder is always left untouched.

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Internationally operating companies

We support globally oriented companies in their cross-border operations. Foreign groups wishing to establish new branches in Germany and manage them with maximum efficiency rely on our expertise and outsourcing services. Domestic clients who use exports for their expansion are supported by our network of partners in the Far East, North and South America, among others. We provide sound advice on tax issues in accordance with international law. As auditors, we increase the security of our clients in merger and acquisition strategies, for example in the purchase and sale of companies or parts of companies across national borders. 

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Professionals and freelancers

Quality before quantity: The business of freelancers is based on a comparatively limited staff. In addition to skill, efficiency is the decisive criterion for the success of freelancers. We support you in minimising risks, avoiding unnecessary costs and making the best possible use of productive resources.

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Public institutions/municipalities

Structures and processes of municipal institutions and business are converging. We support local authorities and public institutions that have to solve sometimes significant challenges, e.g. in financial management or with the “New regulation of turnover taxation of public authorities – §2b UStG”.

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Real estate owners

Current tax advice is most frequently requested by private individuals, followed by legal advice. If large family assets need to be managed, we assist our clients with family governance and family office services.

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Non-profit organizations

Many associations and non-profit organisations have never had any contact with the tax authorities. Here one should take timely precautions, because non-profit-making does not automatically mean that the fiscal non-profit status of these associations is recognized.

Association bodies and officials are also personally liable for the debts of the association and thus also for tax debts if they do not take the necessary care. In the event of inadequate planning, the subsequent tax arrears payments can be quite threatening to the existence of the association. Minimize therefore in time the fiscal risk for the association, the institution, as well as its functionaries.

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Startups & Founders

The domestic economy thrives on the fact that creative young entrepreneurs take the daring tightrope walk of self-employment. This requires professional guidance, because the best ideas are worthless if the start-up phase is not successful. That’s why we have special start-up packages that make the start into entrepreneurial life easier.

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