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Legal advice

Nießbrauchdepot Wertpapiere

Taxes: Usufruct of a securities account reduces gift tax

When it comes to transferring assets to the next generation, there is always the issue of gift tax. If securities accounts are transferred by way of anticipated succession, a so-called usufructuary account reduces the gift tax for the person receiving the gift. Usufruct for gifts saves taxes Especially when real…

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Data protection is not crime protection! No prohibition of exploitation in the case of open video surveillance: A current labor law ruling clarifies!

Even if an employer’s surveillance measure was not carried out in full compliance with the requirements of data protection law, there is generally no prohibition on the use of recordings obtained from open video surveillance in a dismissal protection process. Find out more about the details and legal implications of…

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Tax consulting

New disclosure requirements for climate targets

The European Union has introduced standards for corporate sustainability reporting, including the European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) E1. This standard relates to climate protection, climate adaptation and energy. They oblige companies to report comprehensively. It covers both positive and negative, actual and potential impacts. Furthermore, the company should describe its…

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