Pseudo self-employment: When are “freelancers” employees after all? 

Bogus self-employment is a recurring issue for companies that employ freelancers and for freelancers themselves. And yet both sides tend to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to this issue and hope that everything will work out. However, it would be better to address this problem proactively and find solutions.

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Tax-free kindergarten allowance for employees

Employers have the option of paying their employees tax-free allowances in addition to their salary for the care of their non-school-age children in kindergartens or similar facilities.

Read the following article to find out which facilities are eligible and which regulations and requirements apply.

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Termination without notice due to chat comments: Current labor law ruling creates clarity!

Focus on the BAG ruling from August 24, 2023

In a recent employment law case, an employee was terminated without notice after insulting, racist, sexist and violence-glorifying remarks surfaced in a chat group with colleagues. The members of the group were long-time friends and colleagues, but the employer learned of the remarks and terminated the employee.

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Sustainability and ESG Strategy: Important success factors for the business handover

Due to demographic change, the topic of company succession is becoming increasingly explosive, especially in medium-sized businesses. It requires careful preparation and poses numerous challenges for both the transferor and the transferee. Moreover, a takeover process can extend over several years if legal and tax aspects are to be used optimally.

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Workation revolution: working abroad as an unbeatable benefit!

How to inspire top talents with flexible working models and keep legal and tax aspects in focus.

In today’s working world, flexibility is becoming increasingly important, both for employers and employees. One innovative option that has emerged in recent years is workation.

Workation combines work and leisure by allowing employees to work in an attractive location abroad.

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MoPeG: New law for GbRs and other partnerships from 1 January 2024

The legal regulations governing partnerships have become outdated. Many new court rulings have rendered the current regulations obsolete. This has made legal transactions with partnerships unnecessarily complicated in some cases and has made the GbR in particular non-transparent, combined with a certain loss of trust in the legal form itself.

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Whistleblower Protection Act & Protection against Dismissal: How the law protects whistleblowers

The Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) is currently on everyone’s lips – after all, the legislator has managed to transpose the EU Whistleblower Directive into federal law: the Whistleblower Protection Act will come into force on July 2, 2023.

The main focus of discussion is the obligation, from a compliance point of view,

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Tax-privileged fringe benefits: How companies can score points in the battle for satisfied employees  

Everyone is talking about a shortage of skilled workers – but what can companies do to retain good employees in the long term? In addition to a good working atmosphere, performance-related pay is of course a very important factor. However, more than half of every euro of a salary increase often goes to taxes and social security contributions.

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Vertrauensarbeitszeit Zeiterfassung

Working time recording & trust-based working time: will it still work in the future?

At the end of 2022, the German Federal Labor Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht – BAG) issued a landmark ruling stating that recording working hours is no longer a “can” but a “must”. Employers must – even now! – record the working hours of their employees. For new-work models based on trust-based working time,

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