For many employees and self-employed people, the home office has become an important part of their work in the age of the home office. But when and how can you claim costs for such a home office against income tax? And when might the home office be considered business assets?
Continue ReadingCategory: General
Taxation of ICOs
As an innovative way to raise capital in the blockchain space, ICOs offer numerous opportunities but also raise tax and regulatory issues. This post gives you an overview of the tax aspects of ICOs from a private and business perspective and shows how to avoid tax pitfalls.
Continue ReadingThe managing director as an employee: a focus on holiday entitlement
In principle, the terms managing director and employee are mutually exclusive – managing directors are not considered employees under labour law. Nevertheless, in a recent ruling, the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht, BAG) decided that an external managing director is to be regarded as an employee in certain constellations, for example with regard to holiday entitlement.
Continue ReadingYou have received a property tax assessment notice – what now?
Many property owners have now received their local property tax assessment and are shocked to find that the property tax payable from 2025 has increased many times over in some cases. How can this be and what options do property owners have? This article explains the most important aspects of the property tax reform with a focus on Bavaria.
Continue ReadingThe marital property swing – a tool for tax-free asset transfer and for repairing unconsciously triggered gift tax
In the case of a wealth/salary gap between spouses, the property settlement swing offers the possibility of transferring assets to the ‘poorer’ spouse independently of the gift tax allowance (500,000 EUR). If gifts have been made between the spouses without their knowledge in the past (e.g. by making payments into a joint account),
Continue ReadingLodging establishments can breathe a sigh of relief: Inheritance tax remains the same
At the beginning of the year, the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) mentioned in its ruling of 28 February 2020 that land in hotel businesses is not a privileged business asset for tax purposes, but that the land is a harmful administrative asset.
Continue ReadingFamily company vs. family foundation
When it comes to long-term planning for the transfer and protection of family wealth, many families face an important decision: should a family-managed company or a family foundation be set up?
Both legal forms offer advantages in terms of asset succession, protection and management,
Continue ReadingReduction of variable remuneration in the event of illness: Is this legally possible?
Employers often agree variable, performance-related remuneration with their employees. The Düsseldorf Higher Labour Court (Landesarbeitsgericht, LAG) has ruled that such remuneration, which is linked to team targets and the sales performance of third parties, may be reduced if an employee is absent due to illness for more than six weeks.
Continue ReadingAdult adoption – an overview of the opportunities, rights and tax benefits
The media often report on adult adoptions, most recently on that of Erwin Müller, founder of the Müller drugstore chain. After a rift between him and his son, he had three hunting friends adopt him. The “coffee king” Albert Darboven, on the other hand, failed with the adoption of Andreas Jacobs,
Continue ReadingStricter documentation requirements for transfer prices
Transfer prices, also known as transfer pricing, are an essential element of international tax planning and compliance for companies that conduct cross-border business. Transfer pricing refers to the prices charged between affiliated companies – for example, a German company headquarters and its foreign subsidiaries or branches – for goods, services,
Continue ReadingE-invoice: turbocharging digital accounting and smart workflows
The introduction of the e-invoicing requirement from 1 January 2025 poses enormous challenges for smaller companies in particular. At the same time, it offers a great opportunity, because by switching to e-invoicing, companies can not only meet legal requirements, but also lay the foundation for comprehensive digitalisation and automation of their business processes.
Continue ReadingRetroactive cancellation of a confidentiality agreement: is that legally possible?
Employers often agree a post-contractual non-competition clause with their employees or managing directors. The Federal Court of Justice has now ruled that a clause which provides for the retrospective loss of the compensation paid for this in the event of a breach of the prohibition can be effective.
Continue ReadingFoundation & Management Board: Legal information on tasks, remuneration and liability
A foundation as a ‘legally independent estate’ also requires management and must be represented externally, similar to associations or corporations, for example. This task is performed by the foundation’s board of directors. This article takes a closer look at the tasks of the foundation board, its remuneration and liability issues.
Continue ReadingE-invoicing: obligation also applies to landlords
Digitalisation is bringing about many changes. This also affects the way invoices are received and issued.
With effect from 2025, the Growth Opportunities Act has introduced new regulations into the VAT Act that are important for business owners in Germany – and these include landlords! These changes are aimed at digitalising the process of issuing and receiving invoices.
Continue ReadingTax treatment of DeFi activities
Decentralised financial markets (DeFi) are becoming increasingly important and offer investors a promising alternative to traditional financial systems. With attractive opportunities such as lending, staking or using liquidity pools, there are numerous ways to generate passive income in the crypto world.
Continue ReadingBFH ruling on inheritance tax: a risk for family businesses in the hospitality and hotel industry?
Inheritance tax law provides for extensive exemptions from inheritance tax for business assets. Now, a ruling by the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) has caused a stir in family-run businesses in the hospitality industry: the court has stated, almost in passing, that these tax advantages do not apply to accommodation and,
Continue ReadingThe 7 biggest accounting and record-keeping challenges for crypto companies
Companies that hold crypto assets are subject to general accounting and record-keeping obligations, as well as specific requirements regarding documentation, valuation and the tax treatment of transactions. Eight key aspects help to minimise risks and ensure compliance with legal and tax requirements.
Continue ReadingUnmarried couples: a will or inheritance contract – the main thing is settled!
German inheritance law treats unmarried couples like strangers – regardless of whether the relationship has existed for weeks, months or decades or whether the couple is even engaged. That is why unmarried couples – with or without children – should organise their estate in such a way that their partner is considered and protected in the event of death.
Continue ReadingAirdrops from a business perspective: what are the advantages and what tax implications should be considered?
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, there are numerous ways for companies to promote projects and build a dedicated community. These include airdrops, which are used to distribute tokens or coins to a broad mass of people for free.
We will show you how airdrops work in detail,
Continue ReadingNewplacement: How employers can sweeten the farewell for employees
Every now and then, employers want to or have to let employees go, but the law on protection against dismissal does not quite play along. Severance payments in termination agreements are then a common way of sweetening the pill for employees. But are outplacement or new placement a good alternative to make it easier for employees to say goodbye and make a fresh start?
Continue ReadingAvoid inheritance disputes: What you should look out for when making a transfer of assets during your lifetime
Recently, more and more reports about the inheritance dispute between Reinhold Messner and his children have appeared in the press. Although he had already transferred the majority of his assets to them several years ago, massive conflicts and mutual accusations have now arisen.
This prominent example shows how important it is to carefully plan the transfer of assets and property during one’s lifetime.
Continue ReadingWills & Co.: What young, married parents should know
Young people tend to suppress the topic of death and all other related issues. This is especially true when it comes to wills. But at the latest when it comes to getting married and starting a family, young couples should consider the topic of wills and make individual arrangements.
Continue ReadingReimbursement of training costs: these rules apply
Employers often cover training costs for their employees. However, employers do not have a statutory right of repayment against employees if employees leave the company shortly after training, for example. However, (labour) contract regulations on the repayment of training costs can solve this problem in an interest-oriented manner.
Continue ReadingThe property in inheritance dispute
If several people become heirs and want to divide the estate among themselves, a “division of the estate” must take place. This often leads to disputes. Especially if the testator has left a property. This is because real estate usually has a value that is difficult to estimate. The inheritance settlement agreement to be concluded between the heirs must take into account both the legal and tax aspects of the division of the property.
Continue ReadingMore transparency for donors: the donor register
Germans like to donate. And yet it is not always clear to citizens whether the recipient is reputable and whether the money is being used as the donor intended. In order to create more transparency, the nationwide donor register introduced on 01.01.2024 is intended to provide a remedy.
Continue ReadingNon-profit organisations & ESG: more than just following a trend?
The term “ESG” is currently on everyone’s lips. ESG is no longer just a buzzword, but an expression of a changed economic culture as a result of social change, climate change and political crises. But why should non-profit organisations (NPOs) devote themselves to this topic and position themselves accordingly for the future?
Continue ReadingNew BMF regulations: Clarity and security in the taxation of cryptocurrencies
In March 2024, the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) published a draft amendment on the taxation of cryptocurrencies. This draft clarifies tax declaration, cooperation and record-keeping obligations that were already discussed in July 2022 but not implemented. Our article sheds light on the details.
Continue ReadingNFT for companies: Business models and VAT treatment
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) offer companies a wide range of opportunities for new business models and sources of income. These digital assets have the potential to fundamentally change the way digital and physical goods are handled. At the same time, NFTs present companies with complex VAT challenges.
We look at possible business models opened up by NFTs and then address the challenges that arise when it comes to NFTs and VAT.
Continue ReadingUtility tokens: Use, benefits and taxation from an entrepreneur’s perspective
Utility tokens open up new business models and revenue streams for companies that would not be possible in traditional markets. This gives them flexible and innovative ways to finance, retain users, reduce costs and create a dynamic and engaging blockchain ecosystem.
But what about the taxation of utility tokens?
Continue ReadingElectronic cash register systems: The reporting obligation now applies from 2025
The requirements of the tax authorities for electronic cash registers are strict: there is an obligation to use a recording system with a certified technical security device (TSE). Electronic cash registers must also be able to issue a receipt for each business transaction. From January 1, 2025, businesses can now electronically transmit the type and number of their cash registers to the tax office.
Continue ReadingHamburg tax office declares ENS and TNS airdrops taxable
The Hamburg tax office has decided that airdrops of the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) and the Terra Name Service (TNS) are taxable. However, this opinion has no normative binding effect for other tax authorities. It is at the discretion of each tax authority to take its own tax position. Our article sheds light on the details and implications.
Continue ReadingFederal Labor Court provides clarity: No obligation for employees to reimburse recruitment agency commission!
Employers often use recruitment agencies to recruit staff. A contractual clause that obliges employees to repay the agency commission in the event of premature termination is invalid. Find out more about the details and the ruling of the Federal Labor Court here.
Continue ReadingSustainability in the real estate sector: How to protect your property from loss of value
The European Union (EU) has stipulated that all buildings in the EU must be climate-neutral by 2045, i.e. they must no longer produce any greenhouse gas emissions. The Bavarian Climate Protection Act even stipulates climate neutrality by 2040.
For property owners, this means enormous pressure to take action to renovate their buildings to make them more energy-efficient and to switch to renewable energies.
Continue ReadingSkilled worker immigration 2024: This will also apply from June 01, 2024
The Skilled Immigration Act is intended to counteract the enormous shortage of skilled workers in Germany. Following the first stage in November 2023 and the second stage in March 2024, the third stage will now bring about changes to the immigration of skilled workers for the last time.
Continue ReadingTaxes: Usufruct of a securities account reduces gift tax
When it comes to transferring assets to the next generation, there is always the issue of gift tax. If securities accounts are transferred by way of anticipated succession, a so-called usufructuary account reduces the gift tax for the person receiving the gift.
Continue ReadingFoundation and association part 2: the charitable foundation
If you want to set up a non-profit organization (NPO), sooner or later you will have to think about the right legal form and organization. To found an NPO, you can use the common legal forms from company law (GbR, GmbH, etc.).
It is important to know here: Under certain conditions,
Continue ReadingData protection is not crime protection! No prohibition of exploitation in the case of open video surveillance: A current labor law ruling clarifies!
Even if an employer’s surveillance measure was not carried out in full compliance with the requirements of data protection law, there is generally no prohibition on the use of recordings obtained from open video surveillance in a dismissal protection process. Find out more about the details and legal implications of this judgment in this article.
Continue ReadingNew disclosure requirements for climate targets
The European Union has introduced standards for corporate sustainability reporting, including the European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) E1. This standard relates to climate protection, climate adaptation and energy.
They oblige companies to report comprehensively. It covers both positive and negative, actual and potential impacts.
Continue ReadingObligation to notify gifts and acquisitions by reason of death
Are you aware that there is a duty of disclosure for gifts and acquisitions by reason of death in accordance with Section 30 of the Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act (ErbStG)?
This duty of disclosure is an essential aspect of the tax treatment of inheritances and gifts and must be made within a certain period of time.
Continue ReadingMastering sustainability reporting with ESG technologies
Today, no company can avoid the topic of sustainability. This is due not only to pressure from investors, consumers and employees, but above all to new regulatory requirements such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Taxonomy and the Supply Chain Sustainability Act (LkSG). These make non-financial reporting mandatory for many organizations.
Continue ReadingFoundation and association – Part 1: the non-profit association
Anyone thinking about getting involved in society – possibly together with others – must decide at some point what legal form this should take.
If you want to set up a non-profit organization (NPO), you can use the usual legal forms from company law (GbR, GmbH, etc.). However,
Continue ReadingEPBD revision: EU directive drives energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings
The European Union has taken decisive steps to increase energy efficiency in buildings. In March 2024, the EU Parliament voted in favor of the recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The recast marks a turning point for the real estate sector. The initiative aims to reduce energy consumption and accelerate the transition to renewable energy,
Continue ReadingE-invoicing from 2025: chore or efficiency booster?
With the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing as part of the Growth Opportunities Act passed on 22 March 2024, companies in Germany are facing a significant change. However, instead of a bureaucratic nightmare, this change also offers opportunities for increased efficiency and digital transformation. Companies should therefore not view the implementation of the legal requirements as a chore,
Continue ReadingThe Supply Chain Act brings SMEs into the ESG reporting obligation
The German Supply Chain Act (LkSG), the European Supply Chain Act and the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reporting (CSRD), together with the EU taxonomy, lead to new reporting obligations for companies in Germany and the EU.
They affect small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) earlier than the respective size categories of the laws would suggest,
Continue ReadingSale of privately owned real estate
What should you bear in mind for income tax purposes when selling property as a private asset? Unfavorably chosen constellations can also have far-reaching consequences for you in the future.
In principle, the increase in value of real estate is subject to income tax at the individual personal tax rate,
Continue ReadingGermany’s best tax consultants and auditors: ACCONSIS honoured several times
At ACCONSIS, we constantly strive to impress our clients with our in-depth expertise and outstanding advisory services. We are therefore particularly proud that our efforts have been recognised accordingly. In 2024, ACCONSIS is once again one of the consulting firms in Germany that has received multiple awards, with four prestigious seals of approval from manager magazin,
Continue ReadingHow and when should real estate be transferred within the family?
Owning a home often plays a central role in the lives of many families. Whether for their own use or as an investment, their own four walls should also offer their descendants stability and security.
To ensure that this also works in reality, the issue of transferring a property should be addressed at an early stage.
Continue ReadingSkilled Immigration Act 2024: 2nd stage since the beginning of March
Since November 2023, the first adjustments to the right of residence under the Skilled Immigration Act have taken effect. Since the beginning of March 2024, further regulations have been in place to facilitate the immigration of skilled workers in order to counteract the shortage of skilled workers.
In this article,
Continue ReadingTax investigation targets online poker: When the game gets serious.
At the end of 2023, numerous online poker players who had carried out their activities on various platforms received mail from the tax investigation authorities. Some of these players were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their poker activities. Others were immediately confronted with the opening of criminal proceedings on suspicion of tax evasion.
Continue ReadingFair pay for all? The Pay Transparency Directive will change things for employers
The idea of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value – equal pay – is not new. And yet this demand has only really gained momentum in recent years. However, equal pay naturally requires transparency as to who receives what pay in what function. This is where the EU’s Pay Transparency Directive (EntgTranspRL) comes in.
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