E-invoice: turbocharging digital accounting and smart workflows

The introduction of the e-invoicing requirement from 1 January 2025 poses enormous challenges for smaller companies in particular. At the same time, it offers a great opportunity, because by switching to e-invoicing, companies can not only meet legal requirements, but also lay the foundation for comprehensive digitalisation and automation of their business processes.

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E-invoicing: obligation also applies to landlords

Digitalisation is bringing about many changes. This also affects the way invoices are received and issued.

With effect from 2025, the Growth Opportunities Act has introduced new regulations into the VAT Act that are important for business owners in Germany – and these include landlords! These changes are aimed at digitalising the process of issuing and receiving invoices.

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Hotelzimmer - Hotellerie Gastronomie

BFH ruling on inheritance tax: a risk for family businesses in the hospitality and hotel industry?

Inheritance tax law provides for extensive exemptions from inheritance tax for business assets. Now, a ruling by the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) has caused a stir in family-run businesses in the hospitality industry: the court has stated, almost in passing, that these tax advantages do not apply to accommodation and,

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Electronic cash register systems: The reporting obligation now applies from 2025

The requirements of the tax authorities for electronic cash registers are strict: there is an obligation to use a recording system with a certified technical security device (TSE). Electronic cash registers must also be able to issue a receipt for each business transaction. From January 1, 2025, businesses can now electronically transmit the type and number of their cash registers to the tax office.

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E-invoicing from 2025: chore or efficiency booster?

With the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing as part of the Growth Opportunities Act passed on 22 March 2024, companies in Germany are facing a significant change. However, instead of a bureaucratic nightmare, this change also offers opportunities for increased efficiency and digital transformation. Companies should therefore not view the implementation of the legal requirements as a chore,

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Payroll accounting 2023 – important innovations at a glance

In 2023, there are once again a number of adjustments to be made in the area of wage tax and social security law. Overview of relevant changes for employers:

  • Higher earnings threshold for midijobs, minimum wage will remain
  • Higher basic tax-free amount for wage tax
  • Artists’
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Federal Labor Court (BAG) ruling: Vacation is only time-barred after notice from the employer

Whether and when vacation becomes time-barred is a question that can of course also be of burning interest to employers: After all, whether their own employees are still entitled to vacation or not can become relevant above all if an employee leaves the company and in this context asserts claims for vacation compensation.

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Social security audit and external wage tax audit – what to watch out for in the future?

As part of the irregularly scheduled external wage tax audit, checks are made to see whether employers are properly paying wage tax for their employees. During the social security audit, the German Pension Insurance checks every four years, among other things, whether social security contributions have been correctly paid.

Our experience shows: The auditors are looking ever more closely and demanding more information or evidence.

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All around the mini-job! Current labour law

From 01 October 2022, the statutory minimum wage will increase to EUR 12 per hour. At the same time, the remuneration for mini-jobs will be increased from EUR 450 to EUR 520 per month.

In connection with the mini-job, there are a number of things to consider from an employment law perspective.

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Bureaucratic monster for employers? Employment contracts must comply with stricter requirements as of 1 August

Evidence Act: Employment contracts must be put to the test with regard to mandatory transparent working conditions

From 1 August 2022, the amended regulations of the Verification Act will apply. The background to this is the EU Directive 2019/1152 (Working Conditions Directive), which comes into force on 31 July 2019.

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Employment of working students – what to bear in mind

For employers as well as for students, a working student contract is an interesting thing. Employers have fewer ancillary wage costs, and students have more net left over from the gross of their salary.

To do everything right from a tax perspective, employers need to pay attention to some important issues.

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