Überbrückungshilfe/ Bridging assistance –
improved, expanded and topped up!
We have summarized the most important points for you in the following text.
A term sheet and annex have been published for Überbrückungshilfe/ Bridging Assistance III, as well as an overview of the planned simplifications and increases to Bridging Assistance III.
The application is to be made via the same portal as Überbrückungshilfe I & II/ Bridging Assistance I and II and will be possible in the course of February 2021. Applications open Feb. 10 and close Aug. 31, 2021.
Überbrückungshilfe III/ Bridging Assistance III – Background Information & Overview
The most important points at a glance:
- Uniform criterion for application eligibility: All companies with more than a 30% drop in sales can receive the staggered fixed cost reimbursement. This means: No more differentiation in funding according to different sales slumps and periods, months of closure and direct or indirect impact.
- Expansion of the monthly funding amount: increase of the funding ceiling to up to 1.5 million euros per funding month (previously provided for 200,000 or 500,000 euros) within the limits of European state aid law. Funding months are November 2020 to June 2021.
- Down payments: Advance payments will be available to all eligible companies, not just those affected by the closures. They will be possible up to an amount of 100,000 euros instead of the previously envisaged 50,000 euros for a funding month.
- Recognition of additional cost items:
– For retailers, losses in value of unsaleable or seasonal merchandise are recognized as eligible fixed costs;
– Investments for structural modernization and implementation of hygiene concepts as well as investments in digitization and modernization can be claimed as cost items, such as investments in setting up or expanding an online store.
Vereinfachung und Aufstockung der Überbrückungshilfe III – Überblick (Simplification and increase of bridging aid III) – BMWi overview
The following is a summary from the Munich Chamber of Tax Consultants ( Steuerberaterkammer München):
- Überbrückungshilfe III Term Sheet
- Überbrückungshilfe III Anlage Term Sheet (Neustarthilfe für Soloselbständige)
The BMWi will provide an FAQ catalog specifically for this purpose, which is to be published at the beginning of February.
As soon as further details are available, we will keep you informed.
All answers to the questions with extensive details on
- Who is eligible to apply?
- How much will be reimbursed?
- Will there be progress payments?
- Do I have to prove losses?
- What will be reimbursed?
- What support do solo self-employed people receive?
- Where and when can applications be submitted?
- Where can I get further information?
can also be found at the BMWi at:
Update 05.02.2021: “O-Ton Scholz”
Überbrückungshilfe – verbessert, erweitert und aufgestockt! Überblick über die Überbrückungshilfe III (Bridging assistance – improved, expanded and increased! Overview of Bridging Assistance III)
We still strongly advise you to apply for and use this bridging allowance.
We will be happy to support you in this and check whether you are eligible to apply. We will also answer any questions you may have in this regard. Get in touch with us.
Until then, all the best & stay healthy!
Crisis situations require quick help & support
Further helpful information can be found at the ACCONSIS Corona Task Force Service.
We will gladly support you!

Dipl.-Kfm. (FH), MBA
Christoph Müller
Leiter Controlling
+ 49 89 547143
or by e-mail
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