For all, which must close starting from 2.11., the again announced Corona economic aids are extremely interesting!

Companies affected by the temporary closure, such as the catering industry, are to receive 75% of November 2019 revenues.

It is expected that applications will again be submitted via the bridging assistance platform. However, this platform must first be programmed for this purpose. Bridging assistance and short-time working allowance (KuG) will be deducted from the reimbursement amount.

In addition, the KfW fast loan will also be made available to companies with less than 10 employees. For this loan, the Federal Government assumes full liability. In this respect, this is an interesting option for companies that cannot or do not want to provide collateral.

Furthermore the bridging assistance III (until mid 2021) for certain industries is announced.

Corona Economic Aid November 2020

We urgently advise you to apply for and use this economic aid.

Applications can only be made through tax consultants and auditors. We will be happy to support you and will also answer all your questions. Get in touch with us.

„Mit neu­en, au­ßer­or­dent­li­chen Co­ro­na-Hil­fen stark durch die Kri­se“, Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) vom 29.10.2020 (“Strong through the crisis with new, extraordinary corona aid”), Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) of 29.10.2020

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